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  • Creator
  • #2095202

    iMac w/OS9 will Freeze on PPP Terminate


    by walshaintjaw ·

    Can you suggest a fix for an iMac with
    OS9 that will freeze while waiting for PPP
    Termination? This freeze only occurs one
    time out of every five to six PPP

All Comments

  • Author
    • #3834352

      iMac w/OS9 will Freeze on PPP Terminate

      by macwizrd ·

      In reply to iMac w/OS9 will Freeze on PPP Terminate

      Try this fix :
      Throw away your Open transport
      preferences in System folder\preferences
      and your modem prefs, Restart your
      computer. The preferences will rebuild
      If this does not remedy the situation, go to
      Apple software update site and download
      the latest version of OT/PPP and install.
      One other thought: If you are using
      FreePPP get rid of it . You don’t need it.

      I hope this helps

    • #3672318

      iMac w/OS9 will Freeze on PPP Terminate

      by walshaintjaw ·

      In reply to iMac w/OS9 will Freeze on PPP Terminate

      This question was closed by the author

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