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  • #2082963

    import / export


    by dredd ·

    how can i import a delimited and fixed lenght ascii text file to ms-access. and also how can i export a delimited and fixed length to an ascii text file..



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    • #3897033

      import / export

      by e.rick ·

      In reply to import / export

      1. Open a database.
      2. From the File menu, select Get External Data then click Import.
      3. This will display the Import dialog box. In the Files Of Type box, select Text Files.
      4. Select the delimited or fixed file you want to import.
      5. Follow the directions in the Import Text Wizard dialog boxes.

      The wizard is self explanatory and fairly simple to follow.

      In a fixed-width text file, you can ignore fields at the end of a record that contain no data. In addition, the last field with data in the record can be less than the maximum width.

      If all the records in a fixed-width text file are the same length, there can be an embedded row separator (e.g., a carriage return and linefeed) in the middle of a record. If the records aren’tall the same length, Access will treat embedded row separators as the end of the record.

      For export, just choose Save As/Export from the file menu and choose External File in the Save As… dialog box. Then choose “Text” in the Save As Type dropdown.

      • #3742297

        import / export

        by dredd ·

        In reply to import / export

        The question was auto-closed by TechRepublic

    • #3893654

      import / export

      by gsnyder ·

      In reply to import / export

      I agree with the other answer Rick E. Also I have taken a file and added my own deliminter, such as a semi-colon. I had to do this in notepad because Word adds its “own stuff” which caused me problems.

      • #3742298

        import / export

        by dredd ·

        In reply to import / export

        The question was auto-closed by TechRepublic

    • #3742296

      import / export

      by dredd ·

      In reply to import / export

      This question was auto closed due to inactivity

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