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  • #2299365

    Inaccurate Stylus on Palm


    by ddiamond ·

    Inaccurate Palm Digitizer: Can’t Calibrate!

    I have a Palm m100, but the stylus is not accurate.(IE: I cannot use the pen where I want.) If I want to select an item in the top 1/4 of the screen I have to point about two lines above, so I cannot select any part from the top of the palm, especially the menu options. I tried to reset it both hard and soft(via Palm tech support) but it doesn’t work.

    When I attempt to calibrate the stylus after a full reset (power + reset) I have to select approx. 0.5 cm below the top left cross hairs for it to accept. If I select the center of the cross hairs, as normally cals are done, it is a continuous loop: top left +, bottom right +, center +, and then repeats.

    Anyone have any ideas? Greatly appreciated!

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    • #3395371

      Inaccurate Stylus on Palm

      by crazy-mike ·

      In reply to Inaccurate Stylus on Palm

      Could try application called digifix from Have had success with this before.

      • #3457907

        Inaccurate Stylus on Palm

        by ddiamond ·

        In reply to Inaccurate Stylus on Palm

        Sorry, didn’t work… exactly the same response as the Palm Calibrate prg. I still have to click apprx 0.5 cm below the top left calibrate cross and center of the others in order for it to accept calibration of digitizer. If I click on the center of top left, it continues thru cal but loops (Repeats the cal prg) and doesn’t accept it.

    • #3397173

      Inaccurate Stylus on Palm

      by phillyire ·

      In reply to Inaccurate Stylus on Palm

      This may soud silly but is there any dust particles on the screen or is it damaged at any point.The screen will detect dirt or damage as a point when calibrating.Also make sure that the point of the pen is the only point touching the screen

      • #3457908

        Inaccurate Stylus on Palm

        by ddiamond ·

        In reply to Inaccurate Stylus on Palm

        Screen is clean and free from defects. I opened her up and cleaned all around the edges, connectors, etc. It knows the stylus is there but won’t accept the settings!

    • #3457051

      Inaccurate Stylus on Palm

      by phillyire ·

      In reply to Inaccurate Stylus on Palm

      Duane,I want to know did the palm always do this from new?Did u drop the unit or more importantly was the palm subject to water-condensation.Any chance the screen was cleaned with a cleaning agent?

      • #3456686

        Inaccurate Stylus on Palm

        by ddiamond ·

        In reply to Inaccurate Stylus on Palm

        Was working fine up until a month ago (unit is now over the 1 year warrenty). It was kept in a Case Logic padded case, but yes, it has been dropped in the past. I used the same cleaning solution I use on our touch screens, CRTs and LCDs (basicallya very mild solution of soap and water) when I had it apart, but before that it was only cleaned with a dry cloth.

        The screen can “sense” the stylus when I do a calibrate, it just won’t accept the setting. When, in calibrate, I select approx 0.5 cm below the cross (top left corner), it will accept the setting but all selections are off by this amount in the top 1/4 of the screen. (IE: when I select drop down menu on the right side, the item highlighted is 2 lines below where the stylus is pointing)

    • #3390931

      Inaccurate Stylus on Palm

      by phillyire ·

      In reply to Inaccurate Stylus on Palm

      Duane,I know I keep going on about the quality of the screen(damage,water,etc)but the touchscreen works quite differently from a CRT or a LCD screen.Yes, the palm knows that a stylus is touching the screen….but the positioning of the stylus is incorrect. If u read up about touchscreens you will find exactly how the touchscreen recognises the exact position that the stylus touches the screen.The software is fine in the palm.I would bet my bottom dollar that the calibration program is fine but that the HARDWARE (screen )cannot match the point where the centre of the crosshair is and thinks that 1.5 cm below the crosshair is the center of the crosshair.Think of the screen as having a X and Y co-ordinate.Little beams of light are shone from the X and the Y co-ordinates (top and bottom of the screen)where the stylus touches the screen the light beam is broken and the palm has its position on the screen. If water or slight damage was done to the screen the light beam would be refracted and the positioning would be incorrect no matter how much calibrating you do. The palm touchscreen works thru perspex(hard plastic). Under the perspex is a pervious (plastic coating with millions of holes) layer that can absorb a droplet or dust and throw the whole calibrating issue out.Your problem is in the screen (99.9%sure).I have never taking a palm apart but I have used a lot of touchscreens.Best

      • #3390721

        Inaccurate Stylus on Palm

        by ddiamond ·

        In reply to Inaccurate Stylus on Palm

        I can’t see any “physical” faults in the top layer but I have found something interesting…if I select the drop down menu (IE: All) and the drop down appears in a box with text left justified. If I select with stylus along the right box edge, the amount of error is minimal. But, as I move the stylus left, the item selection drops so that as I reach the left side of the box, the selection is 3 lines lower than where the stylus is. The same (but opposite) goes for the left side of the screen:I tap on the drop down APP OPTION and if I keep the stylus to the left of the drop down box, again error is minimal. As I move the stylus right the selection drops lower.(IE:letter D in DELETE is Delete, letter E in DELETE is now highlighting BEAM,and /D is now selecting CATAGORY.)

        So, in NOTEPAD, when I try to draw a straight line across the top of the screen, it has a curve dropping approx 0.5 cm in the center but both ends are good!

        Hows that for a twist!

    • #3458101

      Inaccurate Stylus on Palm

      by phillyire ·

      In reply to Inaccurate Stylus on Palm

      The more detail that I get from you, the more sure I am that your screen is the problem.Any chance that u could get a loan of a mates screen and plug in your board to confirm!!!!!(probably not)but if you are looking for a quickfix i am afraid your chances are very slim.Still best of luck in your quest

      • #3457434

        Inaccurate Stylus on Palm

        by ddiamond ·

        In reply to Inaccurate Stylus on Palm

        I guess I am out of luck then… but thanks for all the help! I don’t know anyone else with a m100 but if you ever hear of someone willing to try and swap screens, please let me know! I’m game for almost anything once!

        Once again, a Palm productbites the dust…. may it rest in pieces!

    • #3457433

      Inaccurate Stylus on Palm

      by ddiamond ·

      In reply to Inaccurate Stylus on Palm

      This question was closed by the author

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