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  • #4250830

    Incompatible Ink Cartridges

    by joe.gonsalves ·


    I have an HP 1515 AIO Printer/Scanner
    I have had this Printer for over 8 years and it has always worked.
    It uses HP 662 ink cartridges.
    It is printing with the color cartridge alone.
    I have a problem.
    I am getting a message about the “Black” cartridge.
    “Incompatible Ink Cartridges”
    The same cartridge was been working fine before.
    I tried a new cartridge and got the same message.
    What’s going on?
    Interesting that other users have the same problem with the Black cartridge.

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    • #4250834
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      Reply To: Incompatible Ink Cartridges

      by birdmantd ·

      In reply to Incompatible Ink Cartridges

      From my experience, it is easier to simply replace an older printer than to spend time or money researching such issues. Are you using OEM cartridges or generic ones? Personally, I try to use generic cartridges to save money and replace printers every 3-5 years as needed. I think this is a matter of planned obsolescence by the manufacturers. That model seems to be an economical one and could be replaced easily. I wouldn’t try to troubleshoot it, but that’s just my opinion.

    • #4250835
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      In the news.

      by rproffitt ·

      In reply to Incompatible Ink Cartridges

      HP updated drivers and printer firmware to create such issues and push folk to “the correct” cartridges.

      Not a bug, intentional. And why I don’t buy their printers.

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