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  • #2140350

    Increased price for domain renewal

    by trederedet ·

    I see my domain registrar increasing domain renewal prices every year. And now this is already a tangible cost, which is 10 times higher than the price of the initial domain registration. This is normal?

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    • #2414746
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      Not that unusual

      by birdmantd ·

      In reply to Increased price for domain renewal

      They make it cheap at the beginning to get your business and gradually increase the annual cost. Most established customers don’t want to lose their domain and try to hold on to it for obvious reasons. The providers do make it cheaper if you renew for more than 1 year at a time.

      Law of supply and demand. If you don’t renew, you risk losing a domain and having to start over with a new one.

    • #2414716

      domain renewal

      by deborasumopayroll ·

      In reply to Increased price for domain renewal

      The real price is the renewal. The business selling the domain is willing to eat some costs of their own in the hopes that they will make more money from you in renewals and other upselling (website builders, privacy settings…) You can also always search for coupons that lower the price of renewals as well.
      But typically, renewing a traditional .com domain will be around $9.99 for the entire year. Some domain name registrars even offer an automatic renewal, so you’ll never run the risk of your domain name expiring and falling into the wrong hands.

    • #2414434

      domain renewal

      by semivlos ·

      In reply to Increased price for domain renewal

      Perhaps you registered a promotion domain. Then it is clear why domain renewal is more expensive. I registered at a few years ago. But the cost of renewing domains is always the same. Try it out. BTW notice that some registries are increasing prices, like .COM will be more expensive for everyone soon. Like 7% more expensive.

      • #2414270

        other registrars

        by trederedet ·

        In reply to domain renewal

        Yes, I probably need to try other registrars

        • #2414174

          domain renewal

          by semivlos ·

          In reply to other registrars

          I like that they do not hide anything and the price of domain renewal is visible for 10 years ahead.

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