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  • #4053046

    Inquiry about computer software

    by simonadam ·


    The following is an idea for software to create pictures and animations. There are four types of pictures: photorealism, vectors, illustrations, and 3D rendering. There are also four types of videos: photorealism, 2D animation, and 3D animation. To start, you record a video or copy a picture onto the program from any source on the internet or your own computer including online video websites, DVDs, video streaming services, home made videos, online image websites, and image scan uploads. Once the recording/copying is complete, the program will automatically generate full body pictures of the characters from the original sources in standard poses, a copy of the source video with all of the characters replaced with numbered stick figures, pictures of stick figures copying the poses in the source picture, plus pictures of the clothing in the original source. You can change the character’s gender, age group, and clothing. You can also just get rid any of the following clothing you don’t want such as hats, jackets, socks, and shoes. In the case of male characters, you can get rid of shirts too. Once you have created your character, you simply create a new picture or video by dragging and dropping him/her onto a stick figure.
    In addition, you can change gender, age group, and clothing of the characters in the original source images and videos. If the characters are live, you can convert them into cartoon characters in 2D or 3D, which in turn will have the same effect on the props and sets in the pictures and videos that you put them in. You can also alternate between 2D and 3D forms. Does such software already exist?

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