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  • #2143972


    by samic22 ·


    my question is…

    One morning I woke up at 5am and saw that my boyfriend was online 2hrs ago I asked him about it, and he said he was asleep…and we ended our convo at 12:30 am so is it possible for Instagram to run in the background for so long if he had WiFi and 4g on?

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    • #2423013

      Instagram Last seen

      by sagartrivedi486 ·

      In reply to Instagram

      I think it’s pretty accurate.

      Sometimes it isn’t, as others have pointed out—but that is a rare occurrence.

      If you are online and using the app, it will show your direct message connections that you are ‘active now.’

      There could be a delay of a few minutes in between when you close the app and open it…but that wouldn’t last beyond several minutes.

      When I see a friend online and I send them a message, they are usually right there to respond back to me within two or three minutes.

      If they go offline, their dot turns grey colored—and I know that they’ve closed the app.

      When they come online again, their dot is green, and we continue the conversation.

      I bet connection quality has an effect on it.

      Good WiFi will be most accurate, meanwhile, slower cellular data speeds may add noticeable delays to the online and offline indicators.

      Like turning off a faucet, if you leave it partly running, it may seem like it is on—but only a little water is coming out of the spout.

      Whereas when it is fully on, a significant amount of water is pouring out.

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