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  • #4105438

    Installing OS on HP200 G4 22 ALL IN ONE. Not seeing drives

    by ditiro.sekatuba ·

    Good day

    please note I need assistance with my machine

    Hp 200 G4 22 All in one
    sn – 8CC2452YXN

    i want to replace hard drive of this machine and install Operating system but when i boot from a bootable devise like usb or disk it does not show drives.

    i downloaded Intel Rapid Storage Technology Driver but still does not show drives please assist.

    also advise how to setup bios so i can stall OS

    • This topic was modified 1 year, 8 months ago by Avatar photobirdmantd.

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    • #4105441
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      Re: disks not seen

      by kees_b ·

      In reply to Installing OS on HP200 G4 22 ALL IN ONE. Not seeing drives

      Installing a driver in Windows doesn’t make any difference to what the the install program sees when it boots from the USB or disc, since it comes with its own drivers. It couldn’t be installed on an empty hard disk otherwise.

      You say you want to replace the hard drive. So you removed the old one and put a new empty one in?

      So for now the questions are:
      1. Does the BIOS see any disk?
      2. Does Linux see any disk if you boot from a Linux stick or disc?
      If not, the new hard disk is not connected in the right way (no power or no data, bad cable, wrong slot on motherboard) or incompatible.

    • #4105447

      Reply To: Installing OS on HP200 G4 22 ALL IN ONE. Not seeing drives

      by ditiro.sekatuba ·

      In reply to Installing OS on HP200 G4 22 ALL IN ONE. Not seeing drives

      Yes i can see Disk on BIOS
      I Had not tested with Linux

    • #4105520
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      Missing details.

      by rproffitt ·

      In reply to Installing OS on HP200 G4 22 ALL IN ONE. Not seeing drives

      If you are booting the Windows 10 install USB stick, often you need to add the driver for storage controllers. Such as “This package contains the Intel Rapid Storage Technology Driver for the supported desktop models and operating systems. The Intel Rapid Storage Technology is designed to provide functionality for the Intel Storage Controllers.”

      Read the Windows section that applies at

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