Installing software by command line within directory + script execution
G’day Techrep forum
Wondering if someone on here might be able to help me out with what I think is a relatively basic issue.
I’m attempting to install an open source mind mapping software. I’ve used it for a while and it’s excellent however once my mind maps start to get very large (as with a thesis for example) it slows significantly.
This seems likely because regional Australia has painfully slow internet so I thought instead of relying on the online server I would download the software to my laptop.
Herein lies my issue, I can’t for the life of me figure out how to do that. There is no ‘installation wizard’ interface for me to use but rather instructions that I’m not IT competent enough to understand.
The first two instructions (see link) are simple, however the 3rd and 4th call for me to ‘Open a command line terminal within wisemapping-
directory’ and to ‘execute the following line to start wisemapping’ (also on link).
I can’t work out how to do either of these things nor it seems can I find any website online that can explain it, although this is likely due to my inability to articulate the issue in a google search.
Can any of you helpful folk point me in the right direction?