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  • #2140620

    Integrating a PDF Annotation or Editor on my website (PHP Based)

    by wamiq112 ·

    Hello, I actually have my own customized Learning Managemet System (LMS), on which students, teachers, courses all are being managed, It is all made on Core PHP.

    I am stucked in a problem, where in the Examination portion of my LMS, A Teacher gives the Exam through pdf, the student downloads the pdf, fill it up and sends back the copy to the teacher, this all happens in my sever, like all files are stored here.

    Now on the teacher part, what i want is to integrate a Third Party PDF Editor, or add here any sort of annotation tool, or any editor tool that pops up my document into the same page, my teacher just check the file on the same page, add marks, add remarks and save, this copy may send to the student.

    This is the place where im facing difficulty, i am unable to find any Editor, PDF Editor, Annotator plugin to integrate it into my website.

    Any suggestions regarding this. Please Help


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