
  • Creator
  • #2144033

    Interactive training instruction

    by kennymcmack ·


    I’m looking for a program to help me train others how to do something. Current practice involves me making a ppt or video showing the instruction. Another better method is me showing the process one-on-one but this is time consuming. Im envisioning a program that runs on top of the screen that guides someone through process. For example if you need train sometime how to write an an email, can you write a program that will tell them to click the chrome button, then click gmail, then click the compose button. The program will have to sense where the mouse is on the screen and where the user is clicking. Thanks, Kenny

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  • Author
    • #2422560

      Interactive training instruction

      by madhuri001 ·

      In reply to Interactive training instruction

      Applying interactive education. Encourage student participation. Use questions that stimulate response, discussion, and a hands-on experience. Use teaching aids that press for answers, and capture/hold the student’s attention. Set up a workgroup environment. Involve yourself as well as the student.

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