
  • Creator
  • #2145027

    Internet advice needed please

    by lino ventura ·


    Greetings to all. Firstly I would like to admit that I know little about technology and I am here to pick your brains, so any advice will be greatly appreciated.

    My problem: I live in a flat (apartment) in a 3 floor building. The tenancy includes high speed wireless internet. I believe there is a router on the ground floor. I live in the floor above. Recently I have been offered work online where the hourly pay is double what I can earn locally. Needless to say I really want to take this opportunity. The company requirements are network-wired DSL internet connection, 20 mpbs minimum. Although my internet is wireless I’ve tested it several times and it’s always been more than 20 mpbs so I thought I’d be ok. Yesterday the internet was unusually slow all day and last night I had my interview with the company, however they told me the connection was too bad for them to interview me. They did say if I improve my connection I can reschedule the interview.

    Post continued below.

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  • Author
    • #2423543

      Part 2.

      by lino ventura ·

      In reply to Internet advice needed please

      So far I have discovered 3 options to improve the connection:

      1. Ask my landlord to install a wired cable from the router to my flat. I don’t know if they would but I won’t ask them unless I’m sure it’s the best option.

      2. Buy a router/extender and an ethernet cable. This would be far simpler than the first option.

      3. I read an employee of the company I hope to work for state, in relation to the company:

      ‘I have done hotspot many times . . . It’s the first thing I do when I get into a new country: buy a data sim card’.

      I don’t really understand this but I assume it uses a phone and is wireless. I also assume it would ignore the router in my building, so maybe it would be a good option as back up in case the router is slow or there is a power cut. (I live in S America so occasional power cuts do occur.) Or would it be better as a first option?

      Thanks for your time.

    • #2423539

      is your internet shared?

      by ·

      In reply to Internet advice needed please

      I dont think it’s any specific issue that concerns your devices, its your tenant-wifi. 20 mbps that gets distributed within more and more people, just doesn’t suffice after a particular point. Try using an Ethernet connection. Hotspot is rather not enough sometimes, especially when you’re using a laptop alongwith.
      Or I could suggest you buy your own small-time broadband, just for work purposes.

      • #2423507


        by lino ventura ·

        In reply to is your internet shared?

        Try using an Ethernet connection.

        Thanks for the tip. Do you mean asking for a cable from the router to my flat, or buying an extender then using a cable from that to my computer? The latter will be easier because I don’t need to persuade the owners to do anything but if the former is better I will definitely try it.

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