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  • #2080551

    internet connection sharing on a peer to


    by salier ·

    I have two computers both running win98se and have networked them peer to peer. The host computer connects to the internet and stalls after connection. It works fine when internet connection sharing is not enabled. When it’s installed, the host willnot allow the other machine to access the internet and the host stalls after connecting. The host computer is a PIII 500mhz, 128megs memory. The client computer is a P200mhz MMX with 64megs. All settings are same as another network at home. I’ve done all the troubleshooters to no avail, including the In. Con. sharing disk. Thanks for any and all help.

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    • #3895130

      internet connection sharing on a peer to

      by tysonmathews ·

      In reply to internet connection sharing on a peer to

      It sounds like your ISP is only allowing 1 IP to be assigned. Arte you dial up? If your DSL or there on an internal network switch boh to DHCP ( Obtain an IP automaticlly) That should help. Also to make networking easier in your enviroment I suggest to make sure you have Net Buei installed on both boxes. And be sure workgroups are the same too. It seems youy may be having a conflict of IP address’s

      • #3895124

        internet connection sharing on a peer to

        by salier ·

        In reply to internet connection sharing on a peer to

        All of the things you suggest have been tried. They were part of the win98 troubleshooters. Thanks anyway.

    • #3895129

      internet connection sharing on a peer to

      by andrey_salcov ·

      In reply to internet connection sharing on a peer to

      See your configaration of TCP/IP protocol of client computer. WINS page -> must be setting “Use DHCP for WINS resolution”. If Internet connection sharing succefully installed on host, then host must be have IP address and netmask Run WINIPCFG comman on client and client must be have IP address Else ICS not work correctly.
      Run WINIPCFG on host and see: must be check “IP routing enabled”.

      If all settings and information correct, then may be problem with Win98. Reinstall is not bad idea 🙂

      • #3895125

        internet connection sharing on a peer to

        by salier ·

        In reply to internet connection sharing on a peer to

        I have these settings but it still won’t work. I can ping websites, but IE 5.0 will not load them. I even went as far as to install different network cards. Thanks anyway.

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