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  • #2143077

    Intranet portal suggestion

    by nancyvinci92 ·


    Hi all,
    My department is thinking of providing an implementing intranet portal. The idea is to have a page to show and allow only the company IP. A few other that we’d like are:
    – Detailed employee directory with employee social profiles.
    – Social element with employee status updates.
    – Robust internal messaging system.
    – File directory integration with Dropbox, Google Drive and Microsoft OneDrive.
    – Hierarchical access within the department
    – Employee specific calendar, auto-populated with important dates for meetings, events and deadlines for that employee or user.
    – Share files between one another, including Dropbox, Drive and OneDrive integration.

    I know that there are half a dozen open CMS platforms that are capable of doing just what I mentioned and more and I am ready to invest. I think sharepoint intranet like- is one of my options. But I want to explore my options.
    Any suggestions are welcomed.

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