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  • #4288278

    IOBit and DriverPack Solution.

    by thomat65 ·

    iOBit was inconvenient but not TOO difficult to get rid of.

    DriverPack Solution – STAY AWAY. I’m running Windows 10 Home version 22h2, which I update every morning. Microsoft Defender had alerted me to a couple of PUPs, but DriverPack said that it would do that. NOW, my PC is a doorstop. It won’t even boot into safe mode – it just goes directly to “Preparing Automatic Repair.” I’m going to leave a warning everywhere this can be accessed – stores to download the program, forums, Microsoft Community.

    Will you help me spread the word??

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      Reply To: IOBit and DriverPack Solution.

      by kees_b ·

      In reply to IOBit and DriverPack Solution.

      You write: “DriverPack said it would do that”. What’s “that”? As I read your post, it can only mean “alert to a couple of PUPs”, But that makes no sense.

      What exact;ly do you do when you update Windows every morning? I do it once a month, when Windows Update releases the monthly update.

      Why a driver updater?

      What’s the result of the automatic repair? All fine again?

      I doubt if your issue is related to DriverPack.

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