
  • Creator
  • #2144680

    IPhone 8 LCD

    by mico1981m ·

    I have IPhone 8 from O2 I broke the LCD I found local online a company NiwTech where they offer to fix the iPhone for me and after they fix it they give me back the old part I give it to one of my friends he found the LCD wasn’t Apple it was LG brand when I went back to them I said this is not my part my LCD should be Apple they said Apple never had an LCD brand by them self they use different brands.
    is this information right or they swab my original screen with something else?

    Thank You

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    • #2419299

      You are under the misconception that Apple actually make things

      by oh smeg ·

      In reply to IPhone 8 LCD

      They do not they buy in parts and assemble product with the Apple Brand on it.

      Just like Japanese Cars they are made by a company like Mazda but can have a General Motors Badge on the front of them and while they have Mazda parts inside them they are a General Motors Product.

      Apple do not make displays, Integrated Circuits or even the glue that holds the screen onto the phone they buy in those parts and have them assembled, even then Apple don’t assemble then that work is mostly farmed out to Foxcon if I remember correctly and Foxcon assemble them and pack them for Apple so the nice new Apple device you have just bought was designed by Apple who scourced the parts or more likely contacted part builders and specified a design for that particular part and then bought their entire production of that part or at the very least the bulk of it and the remaining parts of that production run are sold as Spare Parts to whoever wants t buy them.

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