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  • #4022072

    Iphone: Virus, malware etc. / hacking – Internet sharing / hotspot


    by Oblivion99 ·

    Dear all

    I have an iphone.
    I have a laptop with Windows installed.

    My iphone is not jailbroken. It is full updated. I have no suspicious apps installed.

    Can my iphone get virus, malware etc.?

    Can iphone virus, malware etc. infect a Windows system?
    Can Windows virus, malware etc. infect an iphone?

    I have used my iphones internet sharing / hotspot, to connect my laptop to the internet.

    Can my iphone spread virus, malware etc. to my laptop, if the lapotop use the iphones internet sharing / hotspot?

    If my iphone is hacked, can the hacker then get access to my laptop, if the laptop is connected to the iphones internet sharing / hotspot?

    Iphone internet sharing / hot spot, is that like a network, where all units connected can see and “interact” with eachother?

    Thank you
    Best regards

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    • #4022087
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      Reply To: Iphone: Virus, malware etc. / hacking – Internet sharing / hotspot

      by birdmantd ·

      In reply to Iphone: Virus, malware etc. / hacking – Internet sharing / hotspot

      Phones are not easily prone to viruses/malware as a computer (laptop/desktop) unless you are in the habit of opening unknown files or attachments or downloading applications from untrusted download sites.

      Simply put, cell phones, while similar to a computer, lack many of the required components that would make them vulnerable to attack. Many of the applications that you see which claim to provide that protection are just “fluff” and are designed to scare users and get money from them, IMHO…..

    • #4022105
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      Re: malware

      by kees_b ·

      In reply to Iphone: Virus, malware etc. / hacking – Internet sharing / hotspot

      Let me answer some questions:

      1. There are anti-virus programs made for iOS. I assume that’s not without a reason, and then the answer is yes.

      2. Very unlikely. You can’t run an iOS app on Windows, or a Windows program on iOS. Since malware is some form of program or app, it can’t run.

      5. A hotspot program on your iPhone, like any hotspot, accept your requests and forwards them to somewhere else, and then gets an answer from that somewhere and sends that to you. If the hotspot program is compromised, it can send something you don’t want.

      • #4022424

        Reply To: Iphone: Virus, malware etc. / hacking – Internet sharing / hotspot

        by Oblivion99 ·

        In reply to Re: malware

        Thank you for your reply

        Here I mean Iphone personal hotspot.

        When I am home, on my home network / router, I can see other devices connected to the network / they can interact.
        Does iphones personal hotspot do the same?

    • #4132801
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      Reply To: Iphone: Virus, malware etc. / hacking – Internet sharing / hotspot

      by furqansaleem901 ·

      In reply to Iphone: Virus, malware etc. / hacking – Internet sharing / hotspot

      Phones are indeed less prone to viruses and malware compared to computers, such as laptops or desktops. However, it’s important to note that mobile devices, including iPhones, can still be targeted by malicious software under certain circumstances. Practices like opening unknown files or attachments and downloading applications from untrusted sources can increase the risk of encountering such threats.

      While it’s true that mobile phones lack certain components that make them more vulnerable to attacks, it doesn’t mean they are completely immune. It’s always advisable to take precautions and be cautious while using your iPhone or any other mobile device.

      Regarding the mention of antivirus software, it’s worth mentioning that there are legitimate antivirus solutions available for iPhones. These applications can provide an additional layer of security against potential threats. If you’re interested in exploring antivirus software options for your iPhone.

      This webpage contains valuable information about various antivirus software specifically designed for iPhones. It can help you understand the features, capabilities, and effectiveness of different antivirus solutions available in the market. However, it’s important to note that the necessity of antivirus software for iPhones may vary depending on individual usage patterns and risk tolerance.

      Remember, staying vigilant, keeping your operating system up to date, and practising safe browsing habits are fundamental steps in maintaining a secure digital environment, regardless of the device you use.

      • This reply was modified 1 year, 3 months ago by Avatar photofurqansaleem901.
      • This reply was modified 1 year, 3 months ago by Avatar photomrmacfixit. Reason: Removed URL
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