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  • #4030228

    iPhone With Windows 10 – Repeating BLE pairing requests

    by krmanu40 ·

    iPhone With Windows 10 Enterprise Via Bluetooth Low Energy (GATT)

    Bluetooth pairing is requested when logging into Windows even though pairing has already been completed. After that, even if the pairing is done, pairing will be asked again at the next login to Windows every time when the Windows is restarted.

    Our iOS app acts as a Bluetooth central and the other as a peripheral (Bluetooth Driver on Windows).

    when the app is trying to connect using Bluetooth Low Energy (GATT) at step 5 as mentioned below, new pairing is requested from windows every time when the PC is restarted.

    Steps to reproduce the problem:

    S1: log into Windows and connect the app to the Windows computer
    S2: See the paring request on Windows and on iPhone,
    S3: Pair on both Windows and iPhone
    S4: Turn off the Bluetooth toggle on iPhone and then turn it on
    S5: Restart windows and see the login screen
    S6: Start the app on your iPhone and try to connect,
    S7: See the paring request on iPhone

    With the above steps, if this issue is not reproducible, try rebooting the iPhone instead of changing the Bluetooth toggle at S4.

    we also observe the iPhone device is receiving this log from Windows:

    default 15:38:27.555377+0530 SpringBoard Received request to activate alertItem: <SBUserNotificationAlert: 0x105916a90; title: Bluetooth Pairing Request; source: bluetoothd; pid: 88>
    We observed that looks like the issue reproduces more consistently when the windows restarts or reboots.

    On the pairing request alert dialogue on iPhone, If I press “cancel”, the app disconnects from the peripheral (Windows). If I press “pair”, the peripheral nothing happens. However, Windows continues sending me pairing requests whenever the machine is restarted or rebooted.

    We did not observe this behaviour with the Android Device. Windows and Android work without any problem (i.e. No new Pairing is requested once the device is paired in any situation).

    In the below screenshots, we could see that the iPhone is already paired in Windows Bluetooth Settings but the Paring is requested from Windows on iPhone to pair again and in the background, our app is successfully connected to Windows using Bluetooth Low Energy (GATT).



    Windows details**

    Edition Windows 10 Enterprise

    Version 22H2

    Installed on ‎ 5/‎5/‎2021

    OS build 19045.2486

    Experience Windows Feature Experience Pack 120.2212.4190.0

    iPhone OS – iOS 15

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    • #4030453
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      ” Windows 10 Enterprise “

      by rproffitt ·

      In reply to iPhone With Windows 10 – Repeating BLE pairing requests

      With Windows 10 Enterprise there’s an entire support system at Microsoft that you have access to.

      Please use it.

    • #4046042

      Reply To: iPhone With Windows 10 – Repeating BLE pairing requests

      by Johnharper2020 ·

      In reply to iPhone With Windows 10 – Repeating BLE pairing requests

      Open the bluetooth service file /usr/lib/systemd/system/bluetooth.
      Add -P battery to the end of the ExecStart line to disable the Battery feature in bluetoothd .
      Save the file.
      Run systemctl daemon-reload and systemctl restart bluetooth to apply the changes to the Bluetooth service.

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