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  • #4286809

    Is it possible to fix a very dim back light?

    by JustSomeGuy42 ·


    Hi, I was wondering if it is possible to fix a dim back light screen in a TV?

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    • #4286821
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      Reply To: Is it possible to fix a very dim back light?

      by kees_b ·

      In reply to Is it possible to fix a very dim back light?

      Not something you can do yourself. Find a service center for possible repair.

    • #4286880
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      Answer: Yes.

      by rproffitt ·

      In reply to Is it possible to fix a very dim back light?

      Real life answer: Cheaper to replace almost any TV today.

      Example: Minimum shop fee here is now 150 USD. Over at Wallymart new TVs can be had for less.

    • #4286935

      Reply To: Is it possible to fix a very dim back light?

      by sohaibpro58 ·

      In reply to Is it possible to fix a very dim back light?

      Hi! Yes, it’s usually possible to fix a dim backlight on a TV. It could be due to settings, a faulty backlight, or power issues. A technician can help diagnose and repair it!

    • #4287356

      Reply To: Is it possible to fix a very dim back light?

      by paydayloanswarehouse ·

      In reply to Is it possible to fix a very dim back light?

      Yes, it is possible to fix a dim backlight on a TV, but the exact solution depends on the cause of the problem. Here are some potential issues and fixes:

      1. Check TV Settings
      Sometimes, the backlight or brightness settings are too low.
      Go to your TV’s settings menu and look for:
      Backlight: Increase this setting.
      Brightness: Adjust for a brighter display.
      Eco or Power-Saving Mode: Disable these, as they can dim the backlight.
      2. Reset the TV
      Perform a factory reset to rule out software issues that might be causing dimness.
      3. Inspect the Backlight LEDs
      Cause: The LED strip that provides the backlight may be failing or worn out.
      Solution: If you’re comfortable with electronics, you can:
      Open the TV, locate the backlight strip, and replace the faulty LEDs.
      Replacement LED strips or panels can be purchased online.
      If you’re not experienced, consider hiring a technician to do this.
      4. Check the Power Board
      Cause: A failing power board can cause insufficient power to reach the backlight.
      Solution: Inspect the power board for signs of damage, such as burnt components or bulging capacitors. Replace the board if necessary.
      5. Replace the Screen (if necessary)
      If the problem is due to a damaged LCD panel, replacing the screen might be required, but this can be costly and might not be worth it compared to purchasing a new TV.
      6. Hire a Professional
      If you’re unsure about diagnosing or fixing the problem yourself, contacting a professional repair service is a safer option.

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