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  • #4270366

    Is it safe to leave my desktop computer on while im not home?

    by garloom26 ·


    So for certain reasons which are irrelevant I have been considering leaving my computer on while I am away at school. Is this safe to do? Or is this a risk of a potential fire hazard?

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    • #4270391
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      Reply To: Is it safe to leave my desktop computer on while im not home?

      by kees_b ·

      In reply to Is it safe to leave my desktop computer on while im not home?

      Yes. The chances of a fire hazard don’t depend on your being present or not.

      • This reply was modified 3 months ago by Avatar photokees_b.
    • #4270453
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      Reply To: Is it safe to leave my desktop computer on while im not home?

      by birdmantd ·

      In reply to Is it safe to leave my desktop computer on while im not home?

      From my experience, I leave my computer on 24/7 and never experienced any problems. I let it go to power saving mode when not in use and assign a password to prevent unauthorized access while I am away. Don’t over think this.

    • #4282485

      On the other hand

      by oh smeg ·

      In reply to Is it safe to leave my desktop computer on while im not home?

      Depends what happens while you are away. Not something that happens on a daily basis but I saw the results of a Tree falling ontot he High Voltage Power lines and bringing them into contact with the mains. A flame about a foot long shot out the back of the power supply and set the curtain behind the system on fire

      Another case the Power Company where fitting a new transformer and the guys who obviously did not know what they where doing put it in backwards so the low voltage was the input and the high voltage side was the output. so instead of stepping down from 11KV it stepped up to over 504KV which was fairly detrimental tot he suburb it was connected to.

      While very uncommon these things can happen and more importantly Lighting Strikes are killers of all electronics which is why the makers of all electrical equipment tell you to unplug when not in use.

      While it is your decision I was working at 2.00 am one morning as sat in front of the computer as it and all other equipment failed because a bat flew into the high voltage lines and shorted tot he Mains Distribution Grid. Bit hard to protect the device when it is being used but it happens.

      These days I turn off and unplug the computer and most other devices from the 1.2 KW UPS which is protecting them and only leave the security cameras running, but that is just me I know plenty of others who do not though they do tend to experience more failures that I do.

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