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  • #4259721

    Is it worth investing time into learning coding at my stage?

    by garloom26 ·

    I am currently a Junior in high school looking to go into the IT service technician field. As the title says, I’m wondering if it will be useful to know a coding language going into it. I’ve tried in the past on Code Academy and was only able to keep at it for a few weeks at best. I have since of course forgot everything that I’ve learned. Just wondering if its worth to put maybe 30 min a day into it to be another useful skill in my future career.

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    • #4259885
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      Reply To: Is it worth investing time into learning coding at my stage?

      by kees_b ·

      In reply to Is it worth investing time into learning coding at my stage?

      Service technicians don’t do much coding. So for such a career, it’s probably not worth the trouble.

      • #4260123

        Reply To: Is it worth investing time into learning coding at my stage?

        by garloom26 ·

        In reply to Reply To: Is it worth investing time into learning coding at my stage?

        Alright thank you so much. I kind of figured as such but didn’t really know for sure. I plan on job shadowing to see what the environment is like because at the moment I only really have a vague/surface level idea of what this profession is really like.

    • #4261167

      Learning coding to be a Tech?

      by scarolinus ·

      In reply to Is it worth investing time into learning coding at my stage?

      Hard coding, no. However, scripting is another matter. Depending on where you’re working and what OS you’re dealing with, you may run into an issue with a problematic script, or you may find yourself writing one yourself to make your job a little easier. Even Macs and Windows have a terminal.

    • #4261359

      Reply To: Is it worth investing time into learning coding at my stage?

      by lesko ·

      In reply to Is it worth investing time into learning coding at my stage?

      +1 on the learn scripting. Powershell for windows, shell scripts for linux and macs. If you have the time, it would be a good idea to learn programming to understand the principles so you can apply that to scripting in the short term. I would also learn it if you want to later on move into cyber security.

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