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  • #3950898

    Is my Landline Tapped – Possibly My Neighbour

    by sebrodugribei-2871 ·

    I think my landline is tapped.

    Our broadband speed plummets to a level where we cannot even watch Youtube videos at 720 pixels. This is only one person using the broadband.

    We get static on our line when we make telephone calls.

    When we finish a call and put the handset back on the hook, we get a ringing noise as if someone new is calling. But when we lift up the handset, no one is there.

    At one point a year ago our telephone stopped working, but the broadband on the same line still worked. The engineer came, but could find nothing wrong at our location. He said it was at the exchange, he would fix it, then come back and check it was working at our house. Instead he phoned. He was sheepish where he had been very friendly before.

    Within the past week we decided to change phone provider. All was going well, then yesterday we had an email saying a specialist engineer was required to sort things out. Today we phoned, the operator was very friendly until she went off the line for a while. When she came back she was sheepish again. She now differently claimed they had made a mistake with our order and they had to redo it from scratch. It had been ongoing for 2 weeks, and required another 2 weeks to complete.

    The primary suspect is my neighbour who has CCTV cameras pointing into our house and garden and has used parabolic listening devices in the past on us. The police do nothing to stop him. The police have allowed his illegal cameras now for over 7 years. He is constantly making false complaints against us to the police, but we have evidence to show he is lying. He has connections.

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    • #3950923
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      Reply To: Is my Landline Tapped – Possibly My Neighbour

      by kees_b ·

      In reply to Is my Landline Tapped – Possibly My Neighbour

      If it’s not tapped inside your house, there’s nothing you can do yourself. The phone company should investigate and solve this.

      If available where you live, a 4G/5G or cable connection to Internet (in stead of ADSL) circumvents the issue. Internet via satellite is another option, but not cheap.

      • This reply was modified 2 years, 11 months ago by Avatar photokees_b.
      • This reply was modified 2 years, 11 months ago by Avatar photokees_b.
    • #3950932
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      If the police do not want to intervene

      by birdmantd ·

      In reply to Is my Landline Tapped – Possibly My Neighbour

      I suggest you file a civil case as it wouldn’t be a criminal issue IMHO and that’s why the police will not get involved in such matters. They have bigger fish to fry.

    • #3951015
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      Just curious

      by birdmantd ·

      In reply to Is my Landline Tapped – Possibly My Neighbour

      Have you contacted your telephone provider and/or cable provider yet? If they find that the neighbor is stealing your cable or telephone service, they can file a criminal case but not likely they would share any information with you about it.

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