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  • #4285455

    Is over-clocking your CPU for an extended amount of time healthy?

    by JustSomeGuy42 ·


    Hi, I was wondering if you were to keep your CPU over-clocked for a long period of time, it would wear out quicker?

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    • #4285508
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      Reply To: Is over-clocking your CPU for an extended amount of time healthy?

      by birdmantd ·

      In reply to Is over-clocking your CPU for an extended amount of time healthy?

      Most likely that it could/would do so. Overclocking does create more heat and stress and that is not a good thing. Very silly question.

    • #4285779

      Reply To: Is over-clocking your CPU for an extended amount of time healthy?

      by hostever ·

      In reply to Is over-clocking your CPU for an extended amount of time healthy?

      Overclocking your CPU can provide improved performance, but running it at higher speeds for extended periods can lead to increased heat generation and potential long-term damage if not properly managed. To safely overclock for prolonged use, ensure you have adequate cooling solutions, such as upgraded heatsinks, liquid cooling, or fans, to prevent thermal throttling. Also, keep an eye on the CPU voltage and frequency to avoid stress that could reduce the lifespan of the chip. Regular monitoring of temperature and performance will help you maintain a balance between performance and safety.

      • This reply was modified 3 weeks, 5 days ago by Avatar photokees_b.
    • #4286007

      Also be aware that errors can arrise from overclocking

      by oh smeg ·

      In reply to Is over-clocking your CPU for an extended amount of time healthy?

      May not be an issue when used for gaming like the CPU adding 2 numbers together and coming up with the wrong value but could be critical if used for anything important. If the error starts at the beginning of the calculation its going to affect the entire calculation and the result can be dramatically different to what it should be.

      All depends on what the unit is being used for and the quality of the components in use a cheap M’Board with built in Video is more likely to give problems where as a great M’Board and Video Card with no Polyester Capacitors on it are less likely to give problems. So the answer here is ALL DEPENDS if you are doing calculations for Rockets the errors could result in a rapid unexpected disassembly of the rocket or part there of, if all you are doing is playing games or a game the most likely thing to happen is that the game crashes and needs a reboot not really a problem but if it is a manned space ship the errors could result in the death of everyone onboard and the loss of the spacecraft.

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