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  • #4268244

    Is SFTP being used?

    by tabrown-addda ·

    Hi, Is SFTP being used in the industry? If so, how widespread is it, and what is it being used for mostly?

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    • #4268255
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      Secure FTP?

      by rproffitt ·

      In reply to Is SFTP being used?

      So yes to the first part. It’s usually on the backend, engineers and such. Everyday users may feel it’s too techy.

      Use? Securely transfer files. Pretty simple stuff.

      • #4268270

        Reply To: Is SFTP being used?

        by tabrown-addda ·

        In reply to Secure FTP?

        Thanks. Secure file transfer, yes I understand that. Can you expand on “It’s usually on the backend, engineers and such”. I’d like to know how much its used and what it is used for. For example, FTP used to be used for transfer files with Cisco devices, and for upload files to a website. Is it still the same nowadays but with SFTP, or ….?

      • #4268283

        Reply To: Is SFTP being used?

        by tabrown-addda ·

        In reply to Secure FTP?

        OK, I think I’m starting to get a handle on it. From what I am hearing through my enquiries today, it seems to have niche type uses, not mainstream. Good where automation via scripting is needed, or very large file transfers outside of an organisations wider network. So, I’m thinking in comparison to say HTTPS, VPN, and cloud-based services that provide file transfer options, SFTP use would be significantly less. What do you think?

        • #4268287
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          Reply To: Is SFTP being used?

          by kees_b ·

          In reply to Reply To: Is SFTP being used?

          FTP is used less then HTTP, so FTPS is used less than HTTPS.
          But use FTPS in stead of FTP (if offered on the server) for all files that you want to keep private.

        • #4268357
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          by rproffitt ·

          In reply to Reply To: Is SFTP being used?

          That’s what I think you will understand.

          There are a plethora of tools and methods that are out there. Short answer, use what works for your situation.

          If you have a hammer, not everything is a nail.

        • #4268414

          Reply To: Is SFTP being used?

          by tabrown-addda ·

          In reply to Niche.

          Is anyone here using SFTP, or FTP/S

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