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  • #2140449

    Is there a noise cancelling application that is free ?

    by sbs1313 ·


    Krisp is nice, but it gives 2 hours per week which is not enough.
    Then Rtx voice did not work at all… So i cant have an app using Nvidia (it dont work)
    And when i search for other things they are out dated or seem to simple ( just removes a specific frequency)
    Does anyone have any suggestions???

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  • Author
    • #2414882
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      Let’s hear more (pun intended.)

      by rproffitt ·

      In reply to Is there a noise cancelling application that is free ?

      I use Discord and it’s cancelling is good. But then again I have a very nice mic (one of the Blue models.)

      Are you sure your mic and setup is up to the task?

      Also: [youtube]cDZlDfVT7nQ[/youtube]

    • #2414875


      by naheed mir ·

      In reply to Is there a noise cancelling application that is free ?

      Krisp can help you with Noise reduction but I think noise reduction is not that dependent on software. Noise reduction basically happens by a noise reduction mic which is a piece of hardware. So, I will suggest going for a good mic.

      • #2414869
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        Why I asked for more detail is that Krisp

        by rproffitt ·

        In reply to Mic

        Appears to be included with Discord and other apps.

        Also, if Krisp works for the OP, then the answer is “buy Krisp.”

    • #2413595

      noise canceling app

      by deborasumopayroll ·

      In reply to Is there a noise cancelling application that is free ?

      Krisp Pros
      The free plan comes with 120 minutes of free usage every week. Available to install on multiple operating systems like iOS, Mac, Windows, and Chrome. Works with any video-conferencing application.

      Noise Killer – Stop the Noise!

      Noise Killer is another Android noise-canceling app. It’s designed to filter out noises in public spaces such as train stations, airports, or crowded streets. When you activate the app, it will instantly begin noise canceling.

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