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  • #3982403

    Is there a planner app that does the specific things that I listed below ?

    by Nalelo ·

    Hello, I need help, is there any app able to do all of these things ? :

    -to have an overview of the day hour per hour (like very visual blocks of time, the week, the month and the year (for instance, but it could also be a view of 3 days at once)
    -to write down a task or an appointment, with a priority level, tags, and with the ability to choose whether or not there is a due date/hour or a start and end date/hour.
    -to add subtasks to a task (also to be able to make to do lists) that can have their own unique due date if needed, priority level, tags and descriptions.
    -The tasks need to not disappear when they are done so I can have an insight on what I have done and find quickly when I did something in particular

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    • #3982422
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      Re: planner

      by kees_b ·

      In reply to Is there a planner app that does the specific things that I listed below ?

      I’d start with a calendar like MS Outlook for an overview per hour, and a spreadsheet like MS Excel for the tasks.
      There are Google equivalents for these programs also.

      Although this way it seems you can do all you ask, it might not be what you want. Then it’s time to refine your requirements.

      • #3982503

        Reply To: Is there a planner app that does the specific things that I listed below ?

        by Nalelo ·

        In reply to Re: planner

        Thank you for your quick reply.

        Do you know if I can I link MS Excel and MS Outlook so that the tasks written down in Excel can appear in Outlook when they have a due date ?

        I also wonder if using Excel for this purpose would take quite a lot of time or if it would be efficient enough to plan and write down everything I need to.

        It is indeed not what I’m looking for, it kinds of surprise me how many planner apps exist yet none of them seem to gather these different options all together (if it’s not just because of my inability to find a suitable one). It looks like a missed opportunity really

    • #3982561

      Reply To: Is there a planner app that does the specific things that I listed below ?

      by Nalelo ·

      In reply to Is there a planner app that does the specific things that I listed below ?

      So !! I finally found one that does ALL of these, for free, and it’s open source :

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