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  • #2143477

    Is there a way to rotate just the picture on a TV and not the actual TV?

    by hambrugnatchers ·


    I have an android TV box hooked up to my TV. I have a few mobile games on it that are in portrait mode. part of the screen is cut off on both sides to do make it portrait. im okay with that, however the game also supports landscape mode. every app ive found so far turns the game sideways. i dont want to phisically turn the whole TV on its side. i think what im looking for is an app that blacks out a set amount of screen on both sides in order to trick it into thinking its in portrait mode. and then be able to return it to normal again. if possible, i would like this swich program in the notification bar like ive seen some other apps do. i dont know if such a thing already exists, but if it does, please tell me.(sorry this was so long)

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