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  • #2139803

    Is there any way to block others from accessing my WiFi?


    by fafalilili ·


    I create a personal WiFi with My WIFI Router apk. My brother know the password. But I don’t want him to connect. Is there any way to limit his accessing?

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    • #2430582

      Is there any way to block others from accessing my WiFi?

      by maxistress ·

      In reply to Is there any way to block others from accessing my WiFi?

      Make sure you have WPS disabled on your router.

      This could just be random garbage the router is putting in this table. It is not uncommon to see junk broadcast traffic with invalid mac addresses. I would try a firmware upgrade and see if it is some silly bug. A all zero mac address I don’t think is valid so I don’t think it would actually be usable for anything.

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