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  • #2140631

    Is there input delay between laptop & monitor?

    by jackschober15 ·


    Hey there, I just have a quick question. I’m thinking about buying a monitor for my laptop, connecting using HDMI. Will there be zero latency delay? Or some delay will appear? Thinking to use it for both work & gaming (which in this case is crucial to have no delay) Thanks in advanced!

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    • #2415717
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      Re: delay

      by kees_b ·

      In reply to Is there input delay between laptop & monitor?

      I never noticed a delay when using an external monitor on a laptop. Why not try with your favorite games? It shouldn’t be too difficult to find a friend or family member with a HDMI-monitor you can use for an hour or so.

    • #2415713
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      There’s always been a delay.

      by rproffitt ·

      In reply to Is there input delay between laptop & monitor?

      As it stands it’s never been zero. Most of the delay you see mentioned is in the monitor so always check out reviews that measure this area.

      Again, never seen ZERO since say old VGA ANALOG days.

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