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  • #2141231

    Is this a good price for an in-app purchase?

    by raulmarquezi ·



    Firstly please don’t consider this spam or me trying to plug anything.

    I wan’t your opinion on weather the price I’m charging for my app’s IAP is acceptable or not.

    The price will turn out to about $4.50 USD, and it unlocks calculating force for n-charges (as will be demoed in the following video) and removes ads. The ad version only permits 2-charge.

    The video is in spanish (only words), but it gets the point across.


    Please advise if $4.50 USD is too high, low, ok or other.

    It should be noted that this app is meant primarily for students.


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    • #2415853

      in app purchase

      by deborasumopayroll ·

      In reply to Is this a good price for an in-app purchase?

      There’s no doubt that pricing is one the trickiest parts of designing, optimizing, and growing a mobile F2P game. The biggest mobile games in the world dedicate teams of people to price their in-game purchases to drive maximum revenue.

      I get asked for pricing advice all the time, especially from young games that are desperate to start making revenue. But I also often see some fundamental mistakes in big games that could tighten up to expand their revenue and improve player engagement.

      Sadly, it’s not possible for me to create a step-by-step here’s-how-to-price your game guide. No one can. How you price your in-game purchases (along with what you should sell) is entirely dependent on your gameplay and your customers.

      As you know, the effectiveness of any initiative inside your app comes down to testing. Everything can be optimized over time after you’ve collected enough data. The prices of your in-app purchases are no exception.

      Nevertheless, you have to start somewhere. When you begin to design an economy for a mobile free-to-play game, your first step is to look at how comparable games and apps price their items. Focus on games that have a history of successful monetization and split-testing.

      You don’t have to copy another game’s pricing structure for in-app purchases, but this approach gives you an idea of what other games have learned about the market. “Stand on the shoulders of giants,” as they say.

      If you base your prices on other game’s economies, make sure you can reasonably assume that the game designers have tested pricing strategies. Otherwise they might be in the same situation as you.

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