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  • #2144737

    IT career advancement advice

    by mckennal1 ·

    Hi Guys,

    Basically just looking for some advice on how I should try and progress my IT career. Currently, I’m working as service desk agent for Fujitsu with a years experience. The roll is on a typical service desk; logging tickets from calls and emails to creating users on AD.

    I am hoping to try to advance to perhaps a Desktop Support Engineer role within the next 2/3 years. Bar the experience mentioned above, the only certification I currently hold is a MTA in Windows Server 2012 Admin.

    When I’ve tried to find guidance online, I’ve been overwhelmed with contradictory recommendations. Can anyone with experience perhaps shed some light on their path or give some pointers.

    Thank’s in advance for your advice.

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    • #2419302

      Look for your Interest

      by rajatrajput2816 ·

      In reply to IT career advancement advice

      See, first, you need to understand what you are good at and you actually feel interesting while thinking or learning about it. If it really excites you go for it and see what would be the scope if you enter into the same domain. I am an engineer but after passing out I felt no interest in the field, I was pretty sure I want to do my own work or business. This is my initial phase only, so to gain enough knowledge about the market, I entered into the digital marketing domain, and it’s actually interesting with a good scope in the future. So, basically first see what you are interested in and then decide accordingly.
      Remember “Late Step is better than the wrong step”

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