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    IT career change post-divorce: time on my hands

    by bloodshot2020 ·

    Going on 39 years old in May. Associate’s in Diesel Technology and the last 8 years worked as a mechanic. Building computers as well as diagnosing and fixing them my whole life. Modding PC games like MSFS, DukeNukem 3d, and others. Spent 1 year Tier 1/limited T2 technical support. Most work was for contracted Small WISP clients and T2 was Remote support pushing SDWAN configs across web to Meraki/Cradlepoint/Fortinet Retail store new eq installations. Experience with wide variety of CRMs, network tools-dealing with routers switches and APs.
    Covid wiped out the T2 job this time last year, and my studies for A+ and Net+ went on hold when I was hired as a warehouse manager/fleet maintenance/facilities maintenance superintendant.
    Life happened-lost entire family home and job, and now that I am on my own I have the time to direct a lot of energy toward certification and hunting up work. I live in Wenatchee WA and when I moved here had no idea that this place was a hotbed of IT work just starting to take off. I am surrounded by several Data Centers all within a reasonable commute.
    The line of thinking I have is first trying to identify if I want to specialize instead of be a generalist, and mapping out that course. CCNA comes to mind, as do the return to Comptia certs. I don’t really believe in individuals being self made successes. I am reaching out since people succeed with the input and help of others. I’m not so much looking for answers as opposed to a living dialogue with a few of you that have brains in your heads to help me come to my own conclusions. Surprise me-make me consider something I haven’t thought of.

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