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  • #2073804

    IT Debate: Win2000 in 2000: Cases for an


    by itdebate ·

    In this article, GartnerGroup explores several organizational cases and guidelines for migrating to Windows 2000. How will you determine if and when to migrate? Do you feel pressure to migrate to Windows 2000? You can read the related Gartner article, which will be posted on 3:00 AM Wednesday, at

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    • #3894303

      IT Debate: Win2000 in 2000: Cases for an

      by jun1cez1 ·

      In reply to IT Debate: Win2000 in 2000: Cases for an

      Answer to:
      Question 1:How will you determine IF and WHEN to migrate?

      I believe the real answer is, does the company that have the network feels or better yet to say that they do really to migrate. Lets face the facts, windows 3.11 is a thing of the past and SO AS NT 4.0 in the very near future. So migration or upgrade will be more advisable if you or any company want to remain in the Enterprise network. That answer is for the question IF. For the WHEN, if you have the necessary expertise to do it, and the company would support it, WHY NOT. Alot of companies had already done the migration, assumably because they had probably felt that the proven (or so called) dependability of WIN2K and other important feature that WIN2K offers is necessary for their network and Enterprise network would infact bring them to next level of a more reliable and highly secured (as Microsoft had stated over and over) networking system.

      Quetion 2: Do you feel pressure to migrate to Windows 2000?
      NOPE, none at all, BUT,

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