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  • #2190085

    It’s just not cricket


    by neil higgins ·

    when rival companies have a “spat”.If it was’nt so serious,it could be funny,although for paying customers,it’s anything but.Network company Level 3,and Cogent Communications are apparently at loggerheads with each other:

    Could you imagine the senario if the whole thing escalated,with other companies,taking sides.Talk about traffic chaos 🙂

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    • #3066047

      Why don’t they have alternate routes?

      by stress junkie ·

      In reply to It’s just not cricket

      When the Internet was concieved it was based on the idea of alternate routes. I’d like to know why these big players aren’t able to reach each other’s networks through third party ISPs. A direct connection shouldn’t be needed in order to send traffic to each other’s networks. Something is misconfigured.

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