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  • #4001775

    I’ve been häçked I need help

    by honzhu ·

    So I’ve worked with IHG company and as a new employee i’ve installed their required softwares on my devices – on my CP – Ping ID, RSA I also installed their app. Then on my laptop is Ivanti, Crowdstrike and there’s this folder Landesk. Everything seems normal until I resigned Ive noticed my FB and Linkedin was hacked so I reset my CP but its still hacked so Ive reset it again and again but still nothing its still hacked. Then eventually they hacked all my accounts like Gmail and the likes…then on my laptop I think they hacked our network? So even if I use my family’s laptop they are also able to hack the browser even their cp’s are actually hacked… Is there a solution to this problem?

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    • #4001779
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      Reply To: I’ve been häçked I need help

      by kees_b ·

      In reply to I’ve been häçked I need help

      Facebook and LinkedIn and Gmail and the other accounts (whatevere those are) are not on your PC. If somebody somehow got your passwords it’s hacked on their servers. Nobody can help with that, except – possibly – their Customer Service.

      It’s unclear what the history about your job and the software you installed has to do with hacking. Or do you want to say you’re hacked by your ex-employer using the software you had to install. That would be very unpleasant.

      You didn’t tell how you did the “reset”. After hacking we recommend a clean install of Windows, drivers and programs on a totally empty (no partitions at all) hard disk, preferably even a new one (an SSD of course).

      How do you know your PC is hacked? And what do you mean with “hack the browser”?

      If other PC’s are hacked, it’s the same recipe: clean install of Windpows, drivers and programs. And, of course, remove all PC’s and laptops from the LAN and don’t connect them again until you’re sure they are clean. If you need the Internet to download something to install something, do this with only that device connected and all other turned off or disconnected.

      Best of luck with your troubles.

      • This reply was modified 2 years, 4 months ago by Avatar photokees_b.
      • This reply was modified 2 years, 4 months ago by Avatar photokees_b.
    • #4004191
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      Not only reinstall Windows on everything

      by hal 9000 ·

      In reply to I’ve been häçked I need help

      But alter the Log in Details on the Router before you start downloading anything from the Net ideally with a device that has never been on that particular LAN, ideally you should use a different Router that has never been connected tot hat LAN previously but as most home users do not have access to that type of Hardware doing a reset on the thing by pushing the button on it with a straightened paper clip should wipe anything that normal people can write to it and return it to Factory Defaults.

      After all it is fairly pointless connecting a new install of Windows to another infected device and reinfecting your new install before you finish downloading any patches for it.

      However what is more likely is that wherever you loaded onto your own hardware copied all your usernames and passwords to the employers backup system and depending on how you left the place it could be someone getting even with you or that they themselves have been cracked and have problems far more severe than what you are facing.

      It is always a BAD IDEA to use personal Hardware for any Business use that is not supplied by the employer as they have a vested interest in keeping their systems clean and uninfected which you yourself do not.

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