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  • #4114797

    I’ve developed a website in WordPress but LCP is not Good


    by david834 ·

    I’ve developed a Website K. When I check each article there is LCP is Green but in GSC group LCP is not good showing need improvement. How to tackle it?

    Note: name of website removed by moderator as spam.

    • This topic was modified 1 year, 8 months ago by Avatar photokees_b.

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    • #4114981
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    • #4115007

      Reply To:

      by david834 ·

      In reply to I’ve developed a website in WordPress but LCP is not Good

      I’ve seen your reply. nice to hear from u. i have completed all these steps but my problem isn’t solved yet

      • #4115199
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        Read that link again.

        by rproffitt ·

        In reply to Reply To:

        It’s not you, it’s the users.

        “Your bad CLS scores are from real user data. The good score is from a Page Speed Insights simulated test. These simulated tests are not very good at picking up CLS issues as they don’t behave like your real users.”

    • #4116314

      Reply To: I’ve developed a website in WordPress but LCP is not Good

      by Kefian ·

      In reply to I’ve developed a website in WordPress but LCP is not Good

      Remember that optimizing for Core Web Vitals and improving LCP involves both technical optimizations and monitoring real user experiences. It’s essential to analyze actual user data to identify and address any underlying issues impacting your LCP score.

    • #4121368

      How can fix a bad LCP in WordPress?

      by webystraffic ·

      In reply to I’ve developed a website in WordPress but LCP is not Good

      Fixing a bad Largest Contentful Paint (LCP) score in WordPress primarily involves optimizing website performance. Here’s my process:

      Switch to a Performance-Optimized Theme: A theme that’s built with speed in mind can improve LCP. I typically go for lightweight, minimalistic themes.

      Minimize Render-Blocking Resources: By deferring non-critical CSS/JS, I can speed up the content load time. There are several plugins like Autoptimize that assist with this.

      Optimize Images: High-resolution images can slow down a site. I use plugins like ShortPixel to compress images without sacrificing their quality.

      Use a Caching Plugin: Caching plugins such as WP Rocket or W3 Total Cache can make a significant difference to site load times.

      Leverage a Content Delivery Network (CDN): I use services like Cloudflare to serve my content faster globally.

      Upgrade Hosting: If all else fails, I consider upgrading to a more powerful hosting service. Better server response times can greatly improve LCP.

      Remember, every website is unique, so these steps might differ for you. Regularly measure your LCP with tools like Google PageSpeed Insights to see what’s working.

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