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  • #2082992

    JBuilder3 && Java3D


    by elovos ·

    I am programming with JBuilder3 and now i wanna use Java3D. I have installed it(not in the same directory of JBuilder3) but it doesn?t work.

All Comments

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    • #3900464

      JBuilder3 && Java3D

      by glenndal ·

      In reply to JBuilder3 && Java3D

      You might find that JBuilder3 only supports
      earlier versions of JAVA before JAVA 2.

      Unfortunately, Java 3D only works with Java 2
      and beyond, because it depends on a
      platform-specfic module in the virtual
      machine in order to render 3D.

      The problem with JBuilder 3, is its high
      accessibility now, because Borland/Inprise
      like to market newer versions of their
      products by making the old ones free.

      Get JBuilder 4, or Symantec Visual Cafe 4, or
      the easiest (/ most difficult depending on
      how you look at it) option of all is to use
      the Sun Java SDK. Go for it, Java 3D is
      great for 3D beginners as well

      • #3739735

        JBuilder3 && Java3D

        by elovos ·

        In reply to JBuilder3 && Java3D

        The question was auto-closed by TechRepublic

    • #3900463

      JBuilder3 && Java3D

      by glenndal ·

      In reply to JBuilder3 && Java3D

      You might find that JBuilder3 only supports
      earlier versions of JAVA before JAVA 2.

      Unfortunately, Java 3D only works with Java 2
      and beyond, because it depends on a
      platform-specfic module in the virtual
      machine in order to render 3D.

      The problem with JBuilder 3, is its high
      accessibility now, because Borland/Inprise
      like to market newer versions of their
      products by making the old ones free.

      Get JBuilder 4, or Symantec Visual Cafe 4, or
      the easiest (/ most difficult depending on
      how you look at it) option of all is to use
      the Sun Java SDK. Go for it, Java 3D is
      great for 3D beginners as well

      • #3739736

        JBuilder3 && Java3D

        by elovos ·

        In reply to JBuilder3 && Java3D

        The question was auto-closed by TechRepublic

    • #3898562

      JBuilder3 && Java3D

      by craig_bunton ·

      In reply to JBuilder3 && Java3D

      Did you install the .jar file into the following directory?
      The script file that starts the recent JBuilder 3.0 release looks into the directory and automatically adds any .jar files to the classpath (Windows version). I’m sure that Linux and Unix version will also enable them from this directory. If this doesn’t work, I’d check the borland help files because JBuilder 3.0 DOES support Java 2 — even their free Standard edition.

      • #3739737

        JBuilder3 && Java3D

        by elovos ·

        In reply to JBuilder3 && Java3D

        The question was auto-closed by TechRepublic

    • #3739734

      JBuilder3 && Java3D

      by elovos ·

      In reply to JBuilder3 && Java3D

      This question was auto closed due to inactivity

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