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  • #2143565

    JS – multiple Val on Change

    by lyounkins ·

    Trying to write JS with on Change with multiple values. Problem, PaperApplication will not hide. I need Social field to show, if they have a SSN, and to hide if not, AND if not, to show PaperApplication.

    $(‘.field.SocialSecurity input[type=radio]’).on(“change”, function()
    if($(this).val() == ‘As a U.S. Citizen, permanent resident, or temporary working resident, I have a Social Security Number.’)
    $(‘.field.SSN input’).focus();
    else if($(this).val() == ‘Due to my international student status, my residency status, or my specific visa type, I do not have a Social Security Number.’)
    $(‘.field.PaperApplication input’).focus();

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