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  • #2075131

    Just a Q regarding Name standard!


    by brattfalk ·

    Hi…. I am currently assigned to a project in my company regarding name standard on printers, servers, clients etc… and also the standard on our directory structure… i am wondering if someone else has done this and if you have any suggestions for me regards the standard!….


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    • #3788529

      Just a Q regarding Name standard!

      by amieveryours ·

      In reply to Just a Q regarding Name standard!

      First of all, never name any netbios name just by numbers. If you do, you will have a hard time pinging the netbios name because the ping program will think it is an ip address. It is best if you name the printers, servers, and clients by department. Ex) AccPrint for Account Department printer, or by the job it provide for the server like Web for the web server of your corporation. The clients can be name by the rows or columns. Ex) a001, a002, a003 for the first 3 computers on the first row. Then continue with b001 b002, etc… Use names that are meaningful to you when trouble arrive. Use a name scheme that you think will help you identify each individual computer.

    • #3788483

      Just a Q regarding Name standard!

      by calves ·

      In reply to Just a Q regarding Name standard!

      Some of the important things to remember is that, you have to recognize the computer by its name, you should not use a name larger than 14 caracters and no spaces.
      What I done for the clients is first initial last name, computer type (e.g. calvesPIII733) That helps me to find the user machine on Network Neighborhood and identify what kind of machine the user have for troubleshooting purposes. The Printers, by Department and location (Acclobby, Acccopyroom), and the servers by its services
      (exchange1, RAS1, SQL1, Fileshare, Printer1,etc…)

      Good luck!

    • #3788479

      Just a Q regarding Name standard!

      by phinaddict ·

      In reply to Just a Q regarding Name standard!

      This is different everywhere you go and depends on how you are set up. You want to find a very simple naming scheme that fits your company and makes it easy to remember computer names, printers, servers, etc. If your users don’t roam around and typically just use one computer than using their userid is a good start. As for servers you want them to be easily recognized by their name.

      Good luck!

    • #3788461

      Just a Q regarding Name standard!

      by calves ·

      In reply to Just a Q regarding Name standard!

    • #3788265

      Just a Q regarding Name standard!

      by pvp ·

      In reply to Just a Q regarding Name standard!

      I’m not in favor of self-descriptive schemes. If I have access to your NYFIL0001, NY2FLEPRTHP5, etc., I can expect there may be names I can predict–NYFIL0002, NY2FLWPRTHP6, etc.

      I much prefer creative but less predictible names like calvin, hobbes, dilbert, carbon, neon, etc.

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