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  • #2140463

    Keep programs from coming to top when they launch

    by potateismashed ·


    Hi folks,

    I work at home and generally have an assload of programs open at once. What I’m hoping to do is find a way to keep programs from immediately showing on top of other programs with a flashing taskbar icon every ti me I launch them.

    For example, I always have four different browsers open at once, each with a different purpose as I work at two companies and like to keep my projects segregated. While I have a fast laptop with an SSD it still usually takes a few moments for a new program to fully launch and while it’s loading its taskbar icon will flash.

    So if I’m opening several programs at once and want to work in a different program while they fully load Windows will keep putting the loading programs on top and essentially Alt+Tab’s me out of the program I want to stay in while they load. I’d like Windows to not do that and keep loading programs in the background without the flashing taskbar icons.

    Is this possible?

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