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  • #2072847

    Knocked Off Line


    by plantogo2000 ·

    Living in a canyon the best modem speed is 26.4 and getting knocked off line is SOP. Last year had a large forest fire and lines in canyon have been repaired more than in one place. ADSL supposed to be here the end of the year – if you believe that. Log on about fifteen times and hour. Have had phone company out to house about two times per month. They finally don’t find anything wrong anymore. In the beginning there were a number of problems found and now their test equipment finds nothing. Have taken PC into shop and tested and can’t find anyhting wrong. Work wiht best ISP in town (Chico, CA) and can find no problems/solutions.
    Is there anyone out there that has any ideas. No theories just experience that can either solve problem or process that can identify problem? Just got knocked off line again. I don’t scream anymore.

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  • Author
    • #3782706

      Knocked Off Line

      by james schroer ·

      In reply to Knocked Off Line

      I have seen this problem elsewhere in my rual area. I’ve come to find out that changing the brand/type of modem seems to help a lot. I’m not saying that an expensive modem will do the trick because I’ve seen it work the other way also. So my advice is to go to a store by a different modem (make sure it has a different chipset) and give that a try and if it doesn’t work exchange the modem.

      • #3768144

        Knocked Off Line

        by plantogo2000 ·

        In reply to Knocked Off Line

        Thank you for your suggestion. I am sorry to say that a $145.00 solution (US Robotics card and installation) isn’t a practical solution. I keep throwing money at this old computer and I could have bought a replacement during the past year. I needto determine how I can make what I have work like it is supposed to.

      • #3768140

        Knocked Off Line

        by plantogo2000 ·

        In reply to Knocked Off Line

        Thank you for your suggestion. I am sorry to say that a $145.00 solution (US Robotics card and installation) isn’t a practical solution. I keep throwing money at this old computer and I could have bought a replacement during the past year. I needto determine how I can make what I have work like it is supposed to.

    • #3782551

      Knocked Off Line

      by ahicks ·

      In reply to Knocked Off Line

      One of the fundament techniques of trouble shooting is to change one thing in your environment at a time. You’ve done well having the phone company test the line and having the PC tested. Unfortunately you have an intermittent problem which are the worst ones to troubleshoot. If you can move your PC to another location, say a friend’s or relative’s house and have them “test” it for you over a period of a day or so, then you can determine if the problem “follows” the computer or the phone line. If the PC runs without getting knocked off at the frequency you described, then you need to hassle with the phone company again. You will need to point out that when you use a different phone line, the performance improves. If the problem follows the computer, then the computer or more than likely the modem is at fault. I support 180+ phone circuits and these types of problems are not uncommon the the phone co.

      -Good Luck (You’re gonna need it)
      Allan Hicks

      • #3768145

        Knocked Off Line

        by plantogo2000 ·

        In reply to Knocked Off Line

        Thank you for your suggestions. And, you are right the phone company isn’t helping, never has and won’t. Be that as it may your suggestion is appreciated but not a solution.

      • #3768141

        Knocked Off Line

        by plantogo2000 ·

        In reply to Knocked Off Line

        Thank you for your suggestions. And, you are right the phone company isn’t helping, never has and won’t. Be that as it may your suggestion is appreciated but not a solution.

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