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  • #2144603

    Laptop heating while playing video.

    by wesseltencate ·


    Whenever I’m playing video on my laptop my processor heats up to around 60 degrees Celsuis. When i stop playing video it cools down to 40 degrees in under a minute. My laptop fans are always turned off with a program called FanControl, because before my fans were really loud and always on. My laptop is an Asus Zenbook 3 deluxe, UX3490U. Any solutions?
    Edit: I use a power plan which sets battery to best life while playing video.

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    • #2421753

      So you have forced the fans off and things get hot when you use them

      by oh smeg ·

      In reply to Laptop heating while playing video.

      So exactly what is the problem?

      In Notebooks the CPU generates the Video signal so when you feed video through the NB the CPU is being used and generates heat so it gets hotter than if it is not being used or is only idling along.

      When you stop using the CPU the thing cools down this is what is supposed to happen.

      I would fix the problem with the device by replacing the Noisy Fans and sitting it on a Cool Pad to stop the fans sucking in all the airborne crud which doesn’t help them and keeps the heatsinks dust free so they do not clog up and build a layer of Felt over them blocking all airflow through them. When that happens things like the CPU get very hot very quickly.

      You are free to use whatever software you like but shutting the fans down in a NB is going to destroy the NB by allowing it to overheat at some point and damage things that are not easily replaced.

      • #2421748

        I understand it might seem a bit dumb, however

        by wesseltencate ·

        In reply to So you have forced the fans off and things get hot when you use them

        It doesn’t matter what i do on my notebook, as long as it isn’t playing games, it always stays between 30 and 40 degrees. The thing that i don’t understand is whenever i scroll through 15 tabs on Chrome my laptop stays cool, and as soon as I click on a video to play it, it starts to heat up to 60 degrees. I find this rather peculiar. I can click away from the video, having it still playing in the background, and my laptop will cool down within 30 seconds.
        The screen always stays cool.
        Hope this helps on giving me further tips.

        • #2421747

          Nothing to do with the screen it is the CPU

          by oh smeg ·

          In reply to I understand it might seem a bit dumb, however

          But what confuses me is the bit about

          “I can click away from the video, having it still playing in the background, and my laptop will cool down within 30 seconds.”

          That doesn’t make sense as in NoteBooks the CPU is used to generate Video as it cuts down on the Chip Count and saves power not needing a dedicated GPU. The CPU can be used to generate the pictures on the screen and in NoteBooks that is often how they achieve things.

          How a Video can be playing in the background and not consume any CPU Cycles and hence Generate Heat is what I find confusing it doesn’t work that way.

          Anyway as most CPU’s can run safely to around 80C a heat of 60C is well within normal parameters. With every Intel CPU I use I set the Throttling temp to 85C as that is well below the safety margins for all Intel CPU’s.

    • #2421725


      by alexanealessia ·

      In reply to Laptop heating while playing video.

      I think you should buy the new laptop and other option is check your laptop.

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