
  • Creator
  • #4188781

    Laptop hidden hacker connection?


    by Oblivion99 ·

    Dear all

    I have a laptop which I use as an offline backup platform

    The laptop has Bluetooth and a Network card

    I have deactivated both in Device Manager and in Windows settings

    I have questions regarding whether a hacker could get access to my data without my knowledge

    Can a hacker somehow use the laptops Network card?
    While also:
    Windows has no wifi connection
    Wifi is off in Windows settings
    Network card is deactivated in Device Manager
    No activity in Resource Monitor Network

    If yes:
    What would it require?
    To modify the hardware or some kind of malware?
    Does this kind of malware exist, or would it be hard to create?

    Can a hacker somehow use the laptops Bluetooth?
    While also:
    Windows has no Bluetooth connection
    Bluetooth is off in Windows settings
    Bluetooth is deactivated in Device Manager

    If yes:
    What would it require?
    To modify the hardware or some kind of malware?
    Does this kind of malware exist, or would it be hard to create?

    What other types of hardware could be installed inside my laptop to give hidden access to my data? (Given that there is room, slots etc.)
    An extra Network card / wifi adapter?
    An extra Bluetooth adapter?
    Cellular adapter?
    What else?

    If the extra installed hardware in 3. would work while also stay hidden in / not appear in:
    Windows Settings
    Device Manager
    What other areas?

    What would it require?
    To modify the hardware or some kind of malware?
    Does this kind of malware exist, or would it be hard to create?

    Thank you
    Best regards

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    • #4188813
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      Re: hacking

      by kees_b ·

      In reply to Laptop hidden hacker connection?

      For point 1 and 2:
      – Turn off the laptop when you don’t use it to add files to the backup, That’s the idea of “offline backup”.
      – Remove the WiFi antenna from the laptop and use USB WiFi for your backup.
      – Bluetooth only has a limited range. You would see the hacker doing his work.

      For #3: don’t give anyone the opportunity to modify the hardware of your laptop. Keep it with you or lock it up safely.

      Then there’sd no need to worry.

    • #4188869
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      Reply To: Laptop hidden hacker connection?

      by birdmantd ·

      In reply to Laptop hidden hacker connection?

      OP, is there any evidence that you have been hacked? What specific concerns are you having? My fellow mod has offered some good advice already.

    • #4188920
      Avatar photo

      Even better.

      by kees_b ·

      In reply to Laptop hidden hacker connection?

      If you don’t trust your laptop, backup to an external hard disk. Those can’t be hacked by WiFi or by Bluetooth.

    • #4190933

      Software tool / malware

      by Oblivion99 ·

      In reply to Laptop hidden hacker connection?

      A software tool / malware that use the laptops Network card?
      While also:
      Windows has no wifi connection
      Wifi is off in Windows settings
      Network card is deactivated in Device Manager
      No activity in Resource Monitor Network


      That use the laptops Bluetooth?
      While also:
      Windows has no Bluetooth connection
      Bluetooth is off in Windows settings
      Bluetooth is deactivated in Device Manager

      Does this kind of software tool / malware exist?
      Is it possible to create?
      What level of skill does it require, something like NSA?

      Thank you

      • #4190959
        Avatar photo

        No, this software does not exist…

        by Wizard57M-TR ·

        In reply to Software tool / malware

        in cases where these connections are disabled, the only risk is if you lost actual physical possession of the laptop.

        • #4190962

          Impossible to create?

          by Oblivion99 ·

          In reply to No, this software does not exist…

          I have no idea of how to code or create malware

          I would just like to know if the above is impossible or close to impossible? Like NSA level?

    • #4240133

      Laptop hidden hacker connection?

      by cassharper030 ·

      In reply to Laptop hidden hacker connection?

      Disabled WiFi, Bluetooth, and no network activity make remote access very hard for hackers. Even hidden hardware is unlikely due to complexity and detectability. You’re good to go for offline backups! Consider encryption for extra security.

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