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  • #3937924

    Laptop suggestions for about 600-800€ ?

    by Anonymous ·

    Need a laptop for uni next year:
    – at least 500gb
    – can handle sims 4 (my old laptop had i7 6th gen and i was fine with that!)
    – pretty good battery life
    – 600-800€

    Also, is it worth buying a laptop without an operating system or refurbished, because then i would also consider that option!

    Thanks in advance 🙂

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    • #3938940
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      Re: laptop

      by kees_b ·

      In reply to Laptop suggestions for about 600-800€ ?

      Refurbished is OK. Without OS is OK, if you want to install Linux (because it’s free). Windows in retail is more expensive than OEM, unless you can get it at the university for a much reduced price.

      Practically all modern laptops that you can configure with a 500 GB SSD (not a HDD!) will be fine. Read reviews to see what they say about battery life.

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