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  • #2142062

    Laptop with eraserhead mouse & NO trackpad

    by plumcrazycatlady ·


    I have been using a Sony Viao for the past 8 years & it is going to die & I need to get a new laptop computer with a touch screen to replace it. I love the eraserhead mouse it has, as well as touch screen. I HATE laptops with the trackpad in the font of the keyboard. But, they ALL have them. Does anyone know of a new (or not too old) laptop computer meeting these parameters. Thanks!

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    • #2417520
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      Lenova laptop

      by birdmantd ·

      In reply to Laptop with eraserhead mouse & NO trackpad

      I just browsed the company internet site and found a model L15 that might provide the features you are looking for. You may need to use the customize feature to get all of your requirements. Best wishes.

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