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  • #2142019

    Lenovo Ideapad gaming 3 additional ssd problems

    by augsir ·


    Hi there,

    I am new to this community, so I hope that if my question should have been raised elsewhere, you will redirect me there.

    I have recently purchased an Ideapad 3 gaming laptop. In the online shop it was written that the laptop has a 512 gb ssd drive (the laptop in the shop: ; the shop is Lithuanian, but if you scroll down, you should be able to see all the specifications of the laptop). When the laptop arrived, I saw that it has a 256 gb ssd drive, but there is also an “hdd upgrade kit” (i am adding a photo of it below) with a code “PK37A00AL00”. If I understand correctly, if installed, this kit gives the additional 256 gb that were promised, right? But does this means that I will have a 256 gb ssd drive and a 256 gb hdd drive? Or does this mean that I will have a 512 gb ssd drive? Because when buying the laptop I was given the impression that it will have a 512 gb ssd drive, so, honestly, I am not sure if I should ask for a refund, or should I just go along with this upgrade kit.

    Thank you very much in advance for your help.

    The kit:

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