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  • #3937477

    limiting space

    by keshabadhikary ·

    Dear experts,
    How can I make available space to run the current job on the Linux PC by deleting the unnecessary files? I am working on Gaussian-09 jobs of Structure- Energy calculation. It gives insufficient space to run the jobs. how to solve the problem?


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    • #3939535
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      Re: space

      by kees_b ·

      In reply to limiting space

      I wonder if it’s disk space or RAM. In both cases it might help to just install more (more RAM, a bigger hard disk). If it’s RAM, then install a 64-bit version of Linux also.

      If it’s disk space, delete the files you don’t need. You surely know how to delete a file, and nobody here knows what files you have and which of those you don’t need.

      Running a virtual Linux PC in the cloud might be another option, if it’s for one time.

    • #3939529
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      by rproffitt ·

      In reply to limiting space

      Nod to prior discussion at where a few issues are raised. Remember I take it you are an advanced user and will know how to find, install a 64 bit version, know how to set which drive to place files and all this app’s settings such as noted at

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