April 10, 2021 at 11:37 pm #2141531
LMAS virus
by 0techie · about 3 years, 10 months ago
Tags: Operating Systems
My pc got afftected with lmas virus all my files are encrypted.. pls help to decrypt them
All Answers
April 11, 2021 at 12:30 am #2413484
You are having a bad day, probably will get worse…
by Wizard57M-TR · about 3 years, 10 months ago
In reply to LMAS virus
Read this, especially the entire first page
and here not pay the ransom, hopefully you have a good backup on a separate disk.
Wiz -
April 11, 2021 at 12:48 am #2413483
Can you share how this happened?
by rproffitt · about 3 years, 10 months ago
In reply to LMAS virus
Help others avoid your misfortune. Tell us how this happened.
April 12, 2021 at 11:00 am #2413477
by 0techie · about 3 years, 10 months ago
In reply to Can you share how this happened?
I was trying to download crack Keygen file for a software and I downloaded a zip file and trying to install exe I ignored warming about bad file ended up in lmas attack
April 12, 2021 at 2:05 pm #2413475
April 12, 2021 at 9:15 pm #2413472
This exact mechanism is discussed in linked articles
by Wizard57M-TR · about 3 years, 10 months ago
In reply to Lmas
in my post above. Recovery may be possible, but from what I read is not very likely unless you have extensive backups. You may be looking at a total re-format and re-installation of Windows, at the least you probably should find a known clean PC and download one of the major antimalware companies (like Emsisoft, McAfee, Norton, Avast etc.) cleaning disks that you burn to DVD or USB, boot your infected PC with that and let it attempt to remove the malware. Recovery of the damaged files is the big unknown.
Never, ever download cracked software, key generators etc. This has been a favorite attack vector of malware distributors for the 40+ years I’ve been involved in computing (we used to give warnings on the old BBS systems back in the early 1980s…yes, I’m old!, Hehe)
Good luck, and there are probably several forum discussions about formatting and re-installing Windows, just do a search!
April 11, 2021 at 1:10 am #2413482
This article may help
by birdmantd · about 3 years, 10 months ago
In reply to LMAS virus
I did an internet search and found this: