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  • #2143504

    loading vms in hyper v

    by startrekcafe ·

    hi. a blind it student doing networking from use a screen reader jaws for windows from now need to use hyper v. got a windows 10 pro vivo book 64 bit laptop. 8 gb ram, 500 gb ssd. and now. have got about 475 gb free on my main hard disk. now when i try to load windows server 2016, says the boot loader did not load the os. no os was installed. so how do i get this to load. have tried deleting and then recreating, generation 2, default switch. need to use this to do demos and exercises and way behind. did listen to a ton of video courses from and, used to be now, any one has this issue and my trainers never had an answer. so how to fix. looking to purchase or get another 8 gb of ram, looking to do this and got 2 slots left, as using a tool from called auto lab which builds a lab environment. and some of the servers said ran out of memory. that’s a separate issue. but need to run windows server in hyper v. so any one able to help me out. boot menu, no speech so cannot get to that. and think it may have some thing to do with hyper v. any one had this issue and how did they get around to fix this. and in

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