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  • #4280659

    Login issue within the IDE

    by peterrafai42 ·

    Hey everyone,

    I’m new to embedded systems and wanted to start with a simple “Hello World” project. I installed STM32CubeIDE (version 1.17.0) on my Linux system, and while code generation worked fine, I kept running into endless issues with the debugger. Thinking it might be a Linux-related problem, I decided to install the IDE on my Windows machine instead.

    On Windows, I ran into a different problem. The “MyST” login tab that’s supposed to be at the top of the IDE is completely missing. I thought maybe I messed something up during installation, so I reinstalled the IDE, but it didn’t help.

    To work around this, I tried logging in through Help > STM32Cube Updates > Connection to MyST. It seemed to work, but when I tried creating a new project, the IDE still acted as if I wasn’t logged in. I tried logging in again, and this time it told me my session had expired.

    I haven’t attempted code generation yet, since I read that being logged in is required, so I figured it might not work anyway. I’ll try that next and see if it makes any difference, but for now, I’m stuck.

    If anyone has faced this or has suggestions, I’d really appreciate the help. Thanks!

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